Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Internet Archiving Preserves The Live Web Essay - 979 Words

Internet archiving preserves the live web by saving snap- shots of the websites made with a specific date which can be browsed or searched for various reasons. Its object is to save the whole web without being in favor of a specific language, domain or geographical location. The importance of archiving made it important to check its coverage. In this paper, we try to determine how well Arabic websites are archived and indexed, and if the number of archived and indexed websites is affected by by country code top level domain, geographic location, creation date and depth. We also crawled for Arabic hyperlinks and checked its archiving and indexing. We sampled 15092 unique URIs from three different Arabic website directories; DMOZ http://www.dmoz.org/ World/Arabic/; a multilingual open-content directory of World Wide Web URIs; and two other Arabic website directories named Raddadi https://www.raddadi.com and Star28 https://www.star28.com. Then, we defined the boundaries of determining if the URI is characterized as a website written in Arabic language. We found that 7976 URIs satisfied this criteria. After that, we performed some analysis on those Arabic URIs. In our work we found four main findings. First, we found that 41% of Arabic websites are not archived and that 31% of Arabic websites are not indexed by Google. Second, we found that only 6.6% of the Arabic URIs had Arabic country code top level domain where 62% of this is archived and that 76% is indexed, and 2.3% had anShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Archive Preserves The Live Web1461 Words   |  6 PagesThe Internet archive preserves the live web by saving snapshots of the websites made with a specific date which can be browsed or searched for various reasons. Its object is to save the whole web without being in favor of a specific lan- guage, domain or geographical location. The importance of archiving made it important to check its coverage. 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