Friday, November 29, 2019

Aeromedics essays

Aeromedics essays Death from above. The is how the modern generation has the Helicopter depicted to it by Hollywood. But reality hold a different truth. Most Ground Pounders remember things a little different. To them it was Dusty that is remembered from their war and they counted on. It was not a bird of prey, but a dove of mercy that brought life to the wounded. This air medical helicopter was the one that every wounded man listed and prayed for. And from this hope was The History behind Airmedical Evacuation began as many other things did, as an experimental derived from a war time military. During World War II the militarys of the world took enormous casualties and suffered a high mortality rate because there was no way to expeditiously evacuate the wounded. In 1951, at the start of the Korean police action, Igor Sikorskis new invention, the Helicopter, changed all that. Even tough crude it did allow for fast extrication of the worst of the wounded and allowed Doctors to begin treatment faster. And yet something As world events changed the United States found itself involved in another conflict. This time it was in a small country in South East Asia called Vietnam. It was here in 1962 that the first of the Dustoffs were seen. At first there were no medical personnel on these flights but reason soon prevailed and medics soon went into the air. For several years these medics were the first line of care for those troops. Then in 1967 a revised training program was begun and the This new breed of combat medic was trained to an advanced level of medical care unheard of outside of a field hospital. With better equipment, more knowledge, and faster transport time, care of wounded personnel significantly improved and deaths from combat related injuries decreased. As with any other good idea word spread like wild fire. The civili...

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