Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Domestic violence outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic violence outline - Essay Example Domestic Violence (Outline) Table of contents Thesis statement Introduction and Background Statement of the problem Background and purpose Importance of the research Literature review Articles 1-5 Articles 6-11 Books 12-16 Methodology Study dynamic Study Limitations Power control theory Victimization Marginalization Theory description Examination of Data and Research Findings Ability to Explain Female Crime Causes of Domestic Violence So far, researchers have not been able to come up with one theory to explain why domestic violence takes place. However, there are various reasons that have been brought forward explaining why people especially women suffer in their spouses’ hands and fail to reiterate or extricate themselves from such relationships Brief description Economic factor Physiological factor Drug and alcohol abuse Social learning Consequences of Domestic Violence Gender violence as earlier stated has various consequences both to the victim and the criminal. Some of the consequences include: Premature death Unwanted pregnancies from forced sexual encounters. Permanent disabilities as a result of injuries sustained. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDs, both to the victim and the criminal. Health and behavior problems in children who grow up in such relationships. Miscarriage in pregnant women. Breakage of marriages especially after a violent partner is imprisoned for the crime or else when a partner decides to extricate herself from violent relationship. Denial of fundamental human rights such as the freedom of speech, association and right to own property. Combating Domestic Violence In order to control this vice, joint efforts between the government, individuals, religious institutions and the society at large are essential. This section will discuss the roles of these entities in promoting respect among couples to ensure that the dilemma is washed out of the society. For example; The Government Religious organizations Individuals Society Socio-Economic Costs of Domestic Violence Correction and preventive costs Effects on labor as a result of consequences involved such as imprisonment, disability etc. Impact on social relations and quality of life Non-monetary costs Conclusions and Policy Implications References

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