Saturday, November 2, 2019

Global Operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Operation - Essay Example Moreover, there may be disagreements between the local community and PPQ (Cateora and Graham 19). This is because PPQ will introduce new employees who will be accompanied by their family members in the host foreign country. The host foreign country will experience strain in its communities and social amenities, for example, schools. This is because the communities and social amenities where PPQ is situated will experience an enhancement in number of individuals largely from PPQ. Also, the host foreign country will experience issues associated with the unfamiliar characteristic of the dealings between employees of PPQ and the existing people of the region where PPQ has decided to establish its stores to sell their products. It is imperative that PPQ anticipates any issues that may have a negative impact on the host foreign country and device ways of dealing with them before it starts its process of expansion. Question 2 International organizations frequently go through abundant cultur al issues when they extend their activities into diverse and new territories. When a company expands to new territories, its employees may have difficulties dealing with clients who are from a diverse and different culture. There is the issue of cultural sensitivity which requires the employees of the international company to accommodate the cultural practices of their clients. In addition, workers of international organizations may face difficulties in overcoming language barriers in the new areas of operation (Cateora and Graham 122). These may pose a severe challenge to the ability of workers providing adequate and sufficient services to the customers. Individuals with an identical value system, religion, beliefs, and language share a similar culture. As a result, this is imparted to every individual in the cultural system. Therefore, workers of international organizations, who are not from the same cultural system as the customers, find it difficult to comprehend the customersâ €™ cultural system, hence affecting the process of interaction. Question 3 Diversity has become an extremely essential subject in the international field. Any knowledgeable businessperson or manager should be aware that the universe is decreasing in size due to opportunities and services facilitated by globalization. Inventions, for example, the internet has made diversity an extremely essential subject in the international field because it has made engaging in business activities in different parts of the world less complicated, and trade is making the most of the opportunities caused by being diverse. In addition, diversity has made a number of financial restraints that were in existence in the past to be eradicated as organizations are attempting to engage in business activities all over and across the universe (Cateora and Graham 159). Also, diversity has become a significant subject in the international field because people are moving from their native lands to look for emp loyment opportunities in other areas. This is evident in areas, for example, Europe and North America where there are individuals of mixed ancestries and races. Therefore, diversity has enable individuals preserve their original identity while being part of different geographic regions. Question 4 There are a number of things that may happen if issues relating to diversity and multiculturalism are not paid attention to in a global organization. One, the international

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