Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Internet Archiving Preserves The Live Web Essay - 979 Words

Internet archiving preserves the live web by saving snap- shots of the websites made with a specific date which can be browsed or searched for various reasons. Its object is to save the whole web without being in favor of a specific language, domain or geographical location. The importance of archiving made it important to check its coverage. In this paper, we try to determine how well Arabic websites are archived and indexed, and if the number of archived and indexed websites is affected by by country code top level domain, geographic location, creation date and depth. We also crawled for Arabic hyperlinks and checked its archiving and indexing. We sampled 15092 unique URIs from three different Arabic website directories; DMOZ http://www.dmoz.org/ World/Arabic/; a multilingual open-content directory of World Wide Web URIs; and two other Arabic website directories named Raddadi https://www.raddadi.com and Star28 https://www.star28.com. Then, we defined the boundaries of determining if the URI is characterized as a website written in Arabic language. We found that 7976 URIs satisfied this criteria. After that, we performed some analysis on those Arabic URIs. In our work we found four main findings. First, we found that 41% of Arabic websites are not archived and that 31% of Arabic websites are not indexed by Google. Second, we found that only 6.6% of the Arabic URIs had Arabic country code top level domain where 62% of this is archived and that 76% is indexed, and 2.3% had anShow MoreRelatedThe Internet Archive Preserves The Live Web1461 Words   |  6 PagesThe Internet archive preserves the live web by saving snapshots of the websites made with a specific date which can be browsed or searched for various reasons. Its object is to save the whole web without being in favor of a specific lan- guage, domain or geographical location. The importance of archiving made it important to check its coverage. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Media s Influence On Society - 1462 Words

The media s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that s power. Because they control the minds of the masses† (Ruddy, 2002). Malcolm X, a prominent African American human rights activist, strongly believed that the media played a vital role in how they make society perceive events and people. An issue that is present, historically and currently, is media contributing to racism. When news is reported involving certain races, stories are sometimes distorted in a way that creates a negative perception of that race. In result, society’s stereotypes, assumptions, bias’ and beliefs can be altered. Further, media reaches masses of people through a multitude of outlets. For instance, radio, television, advertisement, internet, and social media are all mediums that can depict a race poorly given the opportunity. Through an analysis of specific instances throughout history, it will be clear to see that Malcolm X was able to identify an unfavorable power the media has. All in all, media has the capability to foster bias and also misrepresent races involved with public news in order to create an image they favor to be shown to society. The first instance of racism in the media to be discussed involves the Jamaican race. According to a study done by Henry Frances and Carol Tator of York University, in April of 1994, three black men broke into a cafe and demanded money from the patrons. TheShow MoreRelatedMedia s Influence On Society1454 Words   |  6 PagesThe Media’s Chokehold The media s influence on society is suffocating and undeniable. Body image has become overwhelmingly present in most media today. The front cover of a magazine may critically exclaim â€Å"so-and-so has cellulite† or â€Å"so and so is too thin†. Popular reality stars like Nicole Polizzi (otherwise known as â€Å"Snooki†) have been criticized for being to large and then criticized for being too thin after dropping the weight. The media teaches people to be unsatisfied with their bodiesRead MoreMedia s Influence On Society1269 Words   |  6 Pages The media is full of countless things, it has completely changed the world and is now a part of our everyday lives (Bookman, 64). With television, radio, newspapers, books, etc†¦ working their way into our everyday lives it is impossible to live without the media today. Along with it being persuasive, informational and a great source for entertainment it also has a large binding influence on societies all over the world. Media aspects are radically reshaping the world (Marina 240) and though someRead MoreMedia s Influence On Society1256 Words   |  6 PagesThe media are full of countless things, they have completely changed the world we live in and are now a part of our everyday lives (Bookman, 64). With television, radio, newspapers, books, etc†¦ working their way into our everyday lives it is almost impossible to live without the media. Along with it being persuasive, informative and a great source for entertainment, it also has a large binding influence on societies all over the world. Media aspects are radically reshaping the world (Marina 240)Read MoreMedia s Influence On Society1293 Words   |  6 PagesMedia is a major contributor of how social groups are perceived in today’s society. Mediais around us every day almost all day, and it constantly sends messages about the world’s environment. There are many indicators shown pertaining to how media really af fects society. One of the most prominent explanations of those questions is the way media influences stereotypes. There has been previous research linking media sources and biased attitudes. This research paper explores articles supporting mediaRead MoreMedia s Influence On Society Essay1250 Words   |  5 Pagescapitalist society the United States has developed a media centered culture. Society has been influenced tremendously by mass media it seems as if it has become a necessity in life. Nine DVDs worth of data per person every day is the amount of all media delivered to consumers whether it be visual or auditorial on a daily basis. As consumers and technology develop that number will continue to increase because of the multi-tasking abilities that will be created (Zverina 13). The hold media has on societyRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Society1654 Words   |  7 PagesMass media is perhaps the most powerful tool in the world for creating, changing or perpetuating societyâ⠂¬â„¢s ideas about an issue or group of people. It works both blatantly and subconsciously by deciding which issues are important, how to frame those issues, who to show as affected by them, and, increasingly, providing personal commentaries on the matters at hand. Because the majority of media outlets are owned by corporations dominated by white heterosexual men, many minorities are portrayed in waysRead MoreMedia s Influence On Society1475 Words   |  6 PagesMass media has affected our view as a society on social class and what defines one’s social class. Throughout this article called â€Å"Making Class Invisible† by Gregory Mantsios, we evaluate the influence media has on our society and as Mr. Mantsios states how â€Å"media plays a key role in defining our cultural tastes, helping us locate ourselves in history, establishing our national identity, and ascertaining the range of national and social possibilities† (para. 1). Our social class determines wh atRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Society1560 Words   |  7 Pagesare. How many times have we heard this, yet we live in a society that appears to contradict this very idea. If looks don’t matter then why do women and girls live in a society where their bodies define who they are? If looks don t matter then why is airbrushing used by the media to hide any flaws a person has? What exactly is causing this, why do we feel like we are just not beautiful the way we are? Its the media. It’s because the media promotes a certain body image as being beautiful, and it’sRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Society1416 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The media s the most powerful entity on Earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that s power. Because they control the minds of the [people]† (Malcolm X). The message of this Malcolm X quote is that society can control the mind of the individual. This is true. For many years, society has influenced everyone worldwide both negatively and positively. That is because society has the ability to control the individual’s decisions. They can controlRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Society2776 Words   |  12 Pagessee many images in the media and they suggest what we should be like. While the media says how we should act or look, these suggestions invade people’s thoughts. The images the media portrays make it hard to break out of socially constructed stereotypes in our lives. The media reflects dominate and social values of people’s lives. The media also portrays gender by creating stereotypes and gender roles showing how men, women, and transgenders are seen as deviant. In the media, men are portrayed to

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Bmg Case Study Free Essays

CASE STUDY IV. 3 BMG(A) 2824309 Which geographic market areas should be chosen for closer analysis? Introduction Bertelsmann Music Group, (BMG), is the global music division of Bertelsmann AG, a transnational media corporation founded in 1835, based in Gutersloh, Germany. Its headquarters are located in New York. We will write a custom essay sample on Bmg Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now BMG, established in 1987, is now one of the world’s biggest music companies with more than 200 record labels in 42 countries. It is also home to one of the industry’s foremost music distribution companies and one of the world’s largest music publishing companies. According to Table 1 BMG is the world’s second record company in terms of global market share. Moreover Chart 1 shows that most of BMG revenues come from Europe and North America. Table 1: Global market shares of major players 2001 Vivendi Polygram Sony AOL Time Warner EMI BMG Market value % % % % % $ billion Australia 13 27 18 18 6 0. 7 Canada 20 13 24 10 8 1. 1 US 13 14 22 10 12 11. 2 Japan 13 18 7 14 8 7. 0 Germany 23 12 13 22 15 3. 0 UK 22 13 11 22 9 2. 4 France 32 25 13 19 11 2. 3 Netherlands 23 14 8 15 13 0. 7 Italy 19 16 17 15 24 0. 6 Korea 10 5 4 5 5 0. 5 Sweden 20 19 13 26 22 0. 3 Taiwan 17 5 14 6 5 0. 3 Other countries – – – – – 5. 4 World 13 13 14 16 14 35. 5 {draw:frame} * {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} * {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} Global Music Market Analysis {draw:frame} Table 2 – Recorded Music Sales 2008 (trade value) Chart 3 – Global digital revenue {draw:frame} Record companies are gradually changing their approach to do business as a response of a dramatic change in the way music is distributed and consumed. Nowadays digital platforms account for around 20% of recorded music sales, up from 15% in 2007. Recorded music is facing the so called online and mobile revolution, generating more revenue in percentage terms through digital platforms than newspaper, magazine and film industries combined. Assessment of potential market After this brief analysis of the global music market it is now time to decide which geographic areas, and specifically countries, would be right to expand BMG’s business. I will therefore analyze these three countries: Brazil, China and India. BRAZIL PEST ANALYSIS {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} CHINA PEST ANALYSIS {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} INDIA PEST ANALYSIS Economic Factors: The GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) is estimated at 2. 965 trillion U. S. dollars in the year 2007. The GDP per capita (PPP) was 2700 U. S. dollars as estimated in 2007. The GDP real growth rate in 2007 was 8. 7%. India has the third highest GDP in terms of purchasing power parity just ahead of Japan and behind U. S. and China. Foreign direct investment rose in the fiscal year ended March 31 2007 to about $16 billion from just $5. 5 billion a year earlier. There is a continuous growth in per capita income; India’s per capita income is expected to reach 1000 dollars by the end of 2007-08 from 797 dollars in 2006-07. This will lead to higher buying power in the hands of Indian consumers. Social Factors: India is the second most populous nation in the world with an approximate population of over 1. 1billion people. This population is divided in the following age structure: 0-14 years – 31. %, 15-64 years – 63. 1% and 65 years and above – 5. 1%. Technological Factors: Internet adoption continues to grow in India as well as the telecom market. According to the Internet Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the low cost of broadband has helped increase Internet usage (3. 7% of the population in 2007). E-commerce and high demand for . in domain registrations are also factors for the inc rease in online users. Moreover sweeping reforms introduced by successive Indian governments over the last decade have dramatically changed the nature of telecommunications in the country. The mobile sector has grown more than tenfold from 2001 to around 60 million subscribers by mid-2005. Music market characteristic Brazil: Sales tax 15% / 18%; import tax 16%. 75% of the market share is made by domestic repertoire. The market is characterized by many small independent record companies. Commercial piracy is still a huge problem in South America, reaching levels above 50% in every country. India: Sales tax 4% /12. 5%; import tax 17. 3%. Size of the music industry estimate at USD 149 million. On a conservative basis, the music industry has been pegged to grow at 3% over the next five years. Till 1990, the music industry was completely dominated by film and devotional music. With the advent of satellite television and increasing consumer exposure to non-film albums and remixes have gained popularity recently. In the non-film category devotional music produced by smaller and local companies is the most popular. The Indian music industry is quite unique compared to those in other countries as it is virtually dependent on new Hindi (Bollywood) films for the lion’s share (40%) of its revenues. In the film centric Indian Music industry, there is virtually no loyalty for labels among the segment that buys only film music. China: Sales tax 17%; import tax 17%. It is characterized by an undeveloped piracy-dominated physical market and a rapidly-developing wireless environment. Mobile music is already far advanced. For the international record companies operating in China, sales of music via mobile phones already accounts for about 15% of industry revenues. There are five legitimate digital music services in China and we forecast there will be many more setting up in the next few years. In the past two years the volume of music made available online has increased more than six-fold to more than two million songs. Illegal sales of music are China is valued by IFPI at around US$400 million. Market Attractiveness Scaling Grid Relative Competitive Strength Scaling Grid C = China B = Brazil I = India Market Attractiveness/Competitive Strength Matrix {draw:frame} Word Counter 2. 104 References http://www. indianmi. org/ http://www. ifpi. org/ Hollensen, S. (2007), Global Marketing 4th Edition. UK: Pearson Education Limited How to cite Bmg Case Study, Free Case study samples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Analgesia Service in Postsurgical Patients †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Analgesia Service in Postsurgical Patients. Answer: Introduction: Volkswagen of America (VMoA) chief information officer (CIO) placed a call and at that time he was very much relaxed. The call was direct towards one of the Executive leadership team (ELT). The result, which was obtained from the phone call, was that a new process, which was known as the new prioritization process, was started (McGonigal, Giuliano and Hurren 2017). It stated that a list of projects, which were related to the IT, would be funded in the concept. The year, which was taken into consideration, was 2004. The project was revealed just few days after. In this scenario, it can be stated that a new storm was generated in the organization due to the factor that the funding of the old projects would be very much beneficial for the organization. The main point, which was taken into consideration in the report, is the internal working of the organization and the overall funding which would be required for the proper working of the projects. I this context it can be stated that pro ject funding was not only the factor which should be seen in a process but the amount of funding should be the main focus point in this case. On the other hand it can be stated that other important issues were also discussed which mainly deal with the aspect of the non-funded projects, which would be funded in the near future. Some of the members in this context had different view according to which the prioritization of the project was done. There were many projects which if funded would be very much harmful for the organization but were taken into consideration by the managing team who was in charge of the overall working of the project. The call, which was made always, ended up with a request of fi8nding the funding if the projects, which were not still funded. The main statistics, which were seen, were that about 10 units were working in the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) and the unfunded projects were in the range of 40. The functioning of the project would be requiring about $21 0 million (US) approximately, by which the project could be taken into consideration again. A budget, which was in the range of $60, was capped by an organization, which was known as the VWAG who were a parent company of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA). The pushback in this context, which can be stated, was the generation of the new system, which was very much surprising for the overall internal and external working of the organization. The new system according to the experts would be very much beneficial for the organization, which would be eliminating the gap, which existed in the organization and would be also beneficial for the organizational goals. To implement the next round of growth the members of the organization with the other working members of the projects with the collaboration of the gedes USA and Volkswagen of America (VMoA) had created a new system which was related to a new framework which would be implemented in the overall working of the system. The architecture, which was build up, can be considered very much of high standard which included all the necessary requirement of the organization. The organization architecture, which was implemented, can be considered to be an involvement of the concept of depicting the resources, explicitly. These factors can be considered as kept factors, which would be enhancing the overall functionality of the system. It would also be beneficial in a way of answering few of the simple question which can arise in this context which were the how, when, whom, where, what and when (McGonigal, Giuliano and Hurren 2017). The architecture was very much beneficial in different ways but one of the most important aspect, which were taken into consideration, was the aspect of understanding of the relation, which was built into the framework of the organization, and the different elements, which were involved into the internal, as well as the external working of the organization. In order to implement the new strategy the business owner of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) started to build a new blue print which would be consisting of the following points: An enterprise information relating to the inventory. An enterprise model which was related to the to the functionality of the organization which could be linked to the functions of the organization. A view which would be heretical as well as prioritized taking into consideration the major goal which was about 56 across the internal working of the organization. A model, which can be termed as functional, which is in nature heretical that would be displaying all the major activity, which are related to the involvement of the corporation. Map a system of inventory, which would be current, which can be easily, to the concept of the major enterprise related to the external working of the organization (Gonzlez-Ruiz, Duque and Botero 2017). There are different types of entity, which would be playing a vital role in the overall working of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA). The main concept, which can be applied to it, is the concept of the creating and managing the new processes for the concept of the prioritization of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA). The ELT were directly responsible for the execution of the program, which was related to the NRG that was a new government process. In the order to guide and provide the approval of the new process, which was related to the prioritization, and the concept of project selection and IT starring committee was formed (ITSC). The formation of the new committee was done to alter the normal functionality of the organization so that the organization can involve into more crucial activities, which can be some sort of risk oriented (Deng and Xu 2017). The PMO with the help of the workers who were involved in the normal functionality of the organization had help out the committee so th at it could bring a kind of resolution into the organization. All these aspects were taken into consideration due to the funding of the new project. The main aim of the new projects Was to enhance the functionality of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) (Gonzlez-Ruiz, Duque and Botero 2017). The digital business council (DBC) was comprised of the member of the team who was involved into the working of the organization. This sector was mainly involved in the work, which were considered difficult in the part of attainting the need of the organization. The sector of working which was considered to be difficult were the concept of the task which included the sector of the business impact, categorization of the project and the tradeoff which was related to the concept. At this point of time after the creation of the major groups were done the funding of the project list was prepared which included all the aspects which were related to the internal working of the organization. The main aim i n this context was to make the projects active with the involvement of all the members of the team. The entire process was stated to be broken down into three parts and the duration of the phase would be three months, which was taken into consideration as July to September (McGonigal, Giuliano and Hurren 2017). The actual process of implemented was started with some of the basic activity which mainly included the PMO contacting the official to stated forward all the projects which were in the deadline and needed to be funded. Before the actual implementation or the deployment of the program in the month of July, it was requested by the PMO to conduct a workshop taking the help of the gedes strategy consultant. The workshop aimed at forming of the routine, which would be followed by the organization taking into consideration the projects, which were halted due to the funding problem, and the focus was set at the aspect of the people being used to the projects, which they would be working upon. The funding aspect of the projects were also discussed in the meeting which basically included the sector of the judgment whether to move on with the project or should it be requiring more fund involved into the concept. The basic aim of the meeting was to get together all the basic need, make the nece ssary assumption, and take into consideration what should be exactly done so that the overall working of the project would be successful. Some of the members of the team in this context were not satisfied with the aspect this si due to the factor that they were working on the projects which were oriented towards the goal of the organization (Gonzlez-Ruiz, Duque and Botero 2017). The ETL member were the leader of each of the team. In this context, it can be stated that each of the team were assigned a separate task according to which they have to work and they would be planning to make the project a success factor. It should be taken into consideration that when a project is related to organizational goals it would be more concentrated towards that goal and the team, which would be, working in this aspect should be focused in the overall working. The main aim of the aspect was to find the necessary planning and the working principle and find out ways by which they could receive more funding for the projects. A rough estimate was obtained which was around a budget of $60(US) which was all together and the amount which was valuable for the organization for the working was enough and they even had an amount which was related to $16(US) (Siaw, Toh and Lee 2018). Most of the projects, which were related to the infrastructure, were related to the aspect of the discretion of the CIO matulovuc which was around the budget of $30 million. This amount would be directly funding the projects of the enterprise this directly left an amount of $14 million for the unit, which were high priority relating to, the business projects. The overall calculation, which was made from the end of the organization, made it very clear that the overall funding of the project exceeded the amount of funding which was received. The amount also exceeded the estimation, which was formed by the organization. In this context, it can be stated that there were no clear explanation of the gap between t he fund which was received and the fund which requirement which was started by the organization as an optimization. In order to provide the necessary recommendation the following points were taken into consideration by the ITCS and Matulovic Should the organization recommend toward the unit of the business relating to the revised relative that are towards the enterprise priorities form the NRG Should the funding be distributed between the different working area of the organization or how it should be distributed? The main aim of the report was to whether drop the goals which are not so much high ranked. Should the organization break the portfolio apart and invest in the sectr were the importance are high and the factor of the involvement would be more. Taking into consideration the new projects and the new business architecture there were many projects which were formed within the framework and which could be dealt. This basically made the parent organization to sub divide the task into two parts which were mainly the organization being acknowledging the projects from the other area which might get more of the importance in order to achieve the goals of the organization. On the other hand, another option, which would be playing in the mind of the organization, was that should the funding be increased more so that more projects could be taken into consideration. The direct result of increasing the funding would be that more projects would be operational and it would be directly effecting the internal as well as the external working of the organization. In some of the cases it was seen that the project was not getting the appropriate funding, this was due to the factor of prioritization. The Volkswagen of America (VMoA) being funded so as to accompany more IT related projects but the projects which were taken care of were the projects which were of high importance and the project which would be beneficial for the organization. Work on projects not funded properly The main aim of the Volkswagen of America (VMoA) was the funding of the projects, which had not been received. This would be directly beneficial for the organization, as it would be involving an enhancement sector, which is related to ongoing projects, which did not receive any type of funding but was approaching the deadline. There are three types of investments, which are stated below relating to the funding of the projects: ROI (return on investment): the main concept which can be applied to the connect of the return on investment mean that there would be cost saving as well as gaining of the productivity and the gather of the revenue. This aspect should be exceeding the aspect of the gain which is related to the funding of the aspect SIB(Stay in business): The concept which can be applied to the aspect of staying in business basically deals with the funding of the projects which are of high importance towards the organization. This is mainly done to keep the sector the profit to margin and enhance the sector of the business by putting focus on the aspect of the important projects which would be beneficial (Bagci and Tekalp 2016). OCI (Option creating environment): the concept of the option creating environment is very much similar to the concept if the ROI but the main difference which can be stated here is that it is all about the aspect of the cost saving and the revenue generation. It is seen in the organization that they tend to keep the fund into their own possession by not exposing the condition and making of the profit is the only factor, which is playing in the mind of the people. The funding of the project changed the overall view of the projects and the unfunded projects were funded which were of importance to the organization. It can be considered as one of the good strategy that the organization had been following due to the factor that funding of the unit, which were not so productivity would be eventually affecting the overall working of the organization. It should be always seen from the point of view of the organization not ton indulge into activates which were not productive any indulge into activity which would be beneficial not only in the short run but also in the run run even. In most of the cases, it can be seen that the business unit do that taken into consideration the aspects which are related to the projects, which would be beneficial from them in such a situation the concept of prioritization, should be applied to the concept which would be making the business of the organization more authenticated. The process of project management can be s aid here to be playing a vital role. There should be different groups within the organization who would be entitled in different types of job, the main factor, which should be included into the concept of the project, should be undertaken, and which project should not be undertaken (Cadogan 2014). The decision, which was made towards the movement of the IT, can be considered to be strategic. This is due to the factor that the alignment of the business with the IT would be very much beneficial for the organization and it would be taking care of the basic need of the organization and which project should be of high priority for the organization should also be taken into consideration. The need of the IT infrastructure was not involved into the working of the organization but later on, it was implemented due to the factor of the advantage it can be gained from the system. Taking into consideration the aspect of the ELT it must have been that they were not around when the implementation had to be made or they were not involved into the concept when the actual implementation should have been taken into consideration (Adama 2017). References Adama, O., 2017. Urban imaginaries: funding mega infrastructure projects in Lagos, Nigeria. GeoJournal, pp.1-18. Bagci, K.T. and Tekalp, A.M., 2016, August. Managed video services over multi-domain software defined networks. In Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2016 24th European (pp. 120-124). IEEE. Cadogan, D., 2014. Funding for research? Look to the crowd: crowdfunding resources for academia. College Research Libraries News, 75(5), pp.268-271. Cuenca, L. and Boza, A., 2015. Public funding in RD projects: opportunities for companies. In INTED2015 Proceedings (pp. 2194-2199). International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Deng, H. and Xu, J., 2017. The analysis on the funding of Natural Science Foundation of China for acupuncture projects from 2005 to 2015. Zhongguo zhen jiu= Chinese acupuncture moxibustion, 37(5), pp.550-554. Fu, H., Wu, Z., Li, J., Zhang, X.P. and Brandt, J., 2016. A Configurable $mu $ VPP With Managed Energy Services: A Malmo Western Harbour Case. IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal, 3(4), pp.166-178. Gonzlez-Ruiz, J.D., Duque, E. and Botero, S., 2017. The Process of Funding Highway Projects in Colombia: Outlook and Challenges. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal, 87(8), p.30. Kloeckner, K., Adam, C.M., Anerousis, N., Ayachitula, N., Bulut, M.F., Dasgupta, G., Deng, Y., Diao, Y., Fuller, N., Gopisetty, S. and Hernandez, M., 2018. Building a cognitive platform for the managed IT services lifecycle. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 62(1), pp.8-1. McGonigal, K.H., Giuliano, C.A. and Hurren, J., 2017. Safety and Efficacy of a Pharmacist?Managed Patient?Controlled Analgesia Service in Postsurgical Patients. Pain Practice, 17(7), pp.859-865. Pommier, T., Cantarel, A.A., Grigulis, K., Lavorel, S., Legay, N., Baxendale, C., Bardgett, R.D., Bahn, M., Poly, F. and Clment, J.C., 2018. The added value of including key microbial traits to determine nitrogen?related ecosystem services in managed grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(1), pp.49-58. Siaw, M.Y.L., Toh, J.H. and Lee, J.Y.C., 2018. Patients perceptions of pharmacist-managed diabetes services in the ambulatory care and community settings within Singapore. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, pp.1-9. Tesio, L., Simone, A., Grzeda, M.T., Ponzio, M., Dati, G., Zaratin, P., Perucca, L. and Battaglia, M.A., 2015. Funding Medical Research Projects: Taking into Account Referees Severity and Consistency through Many-Faceted Rasch Modeling of Projects Scores. Journal of applied measurement, 16(2), pp.129-152.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Aeromedics essays

Aeromedics essays Death from above. The is how the modern generation has the Helicopter depicted to it by Hollywood. But reality hold a different truth. Most Ground Pounders remember things a little different. To them it was Dusty that is remembered from their war and they counted on. It was not a bird of prey, but a dove of mercy that brought life to the wounded. This air medical helicopter was the one that every wounded man listed and prayed for. And from this hope was The History behind Airmedical Evacuation began as many other things did, as an experimental derived from a war time military. During World War II the militarys of the world took enormous casualties and suffered a high mortality rate because there was no way to expeditiously evacuate the wounded. In 1951, at the start of the Korean police action, Igor Sikorskis new invention, the Helicopter, changed all that. Even tough crude it did allow for fast extrication of the worst of the wounded and allowed Doctors to begin treatment faster. And yet something As world events changed the United States found itself involved in another conflict. This time it was in a small country in South East Asia called Vietnam. It was here in 1962 that the first of the Dustoffs were seen. At first there were no medical personnel on these flights but reason soon prevailed and medics soon went into the air. For several years these medics were the first line of care for those troops. Then in 1967 a revised training program was begun and the This new breed of combat medic was trained to an advanced level of medical care unheard of outside of a field hospital. With better equipment, more knowledge, and faster transport time, care of wounded personnel significantly improved and deaths from combat related injuries decreased. As with any other good idea word spread like wild fire. The civili...

Monday, November 25, 2019

Influence of advertising on me and other people Essays

Influence of advertising on me and other people Essays Influence of advertising on me and other people Essay Influence of advertising on me and other people Essay Advertising today has a lot to do with almost everything in my life and other peoples everyday lives. Anywhere you go you come across some kind of advertisement, whether it is on the billboard, schools, television, public transportation like trains, bus, inside magazine and so on. It surrounds us everyday, everywhere, all the time. It has a large influence on me and most people in the world and should be limited. I believe that advertisement has a great influence on the type of clothes I wear. Televisions and posters show models wearing different clothing. The ads for Calvin Klein, H/M, Levi, Dress man are some of the examples. When models put on this kind of clothes and look good in them, I get the feeling that the clothes must be made good. And I also get another feeling that if I get to consume any of the clothes advertised it look as good on me as they did on the models. Advertising has an influence what other people eat. There are ads for hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cream, beer and the list keeps going. The people at McDonalds and Burger Kings sell all these at a relatively reasonable price which makes everyone longing to eat at these places. Of course, with all this, people forget the negative effects of eating this fast food. Take an example of the Big Mac and fries, the body consumes more calories if u eat it than as one would get if she/he eats pasta and salads. People keep on eating more calories than they need through constant advertising. Advertising in most cases tends to be persuasive and should be limited. It changes ones attitude. Ads like that of lens way saying that take three pay for two force people to buy them even though there was no need. This is creating a want where there is no need which is a waste of resources (money). Many ads aim to entertain the consumers. I think ads should aim at providing product information and convincing consumers, not amusing them. Some people dont buy certain products just because the company doesnt take them seriously. The Nissan ads of the car changing into different animals, well the fastest of the animals can convey the fastest of the car at times but how about the changing? because it quite obvious that a car can never change into anything else more so an animal. There another ad by ford with a monkey in the trunk, the monkey? What do monkeys have to do with cars? These ads make people laugh and feel good about the products but the generally lacks perfect information about the products. With these ads I strong argue that ads should be limited. In conclusion, I would like to say that advertising influences the way everybody lives everywhere all the time. The clothes I wear, and the types of food people eat are all a result of advertising. They tend to be persuasive instead of providing genuine information about the product being sold.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Art - Essay Example He is a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet who spearheaded the principle of Surrealism which embraces unconventional art. One of his works that demonstrated surrealism would be â€Å"Oedipus Rex†, a painting of the hero in the Sophocles’ tragedy. Here one could see a picture of violence, seen through the depiction of the pierced fingers and walnut. The fingers are being speared by a bow-like device used to puncture the feet of birds so as to stop them from flying. However, the fingers do not bleed but the wound looks painful because of the penetration of the sharp object into the hand (Kuspit, D.). With all these said, the meaning of â€Å"Oedipus Rex† painting of Max Ernst is ambiguous, as opposed to the art of the 18th and 19th century. Looking at the painting, I would say that the person whose hand is being pierced is somewhat accepting the suffering he is undergoing despite the pain. Also, the fingers being pierced do not have any traces of bl ood which defies the concept of realism. All these sends contradicting messages that leave its audience wondering what the painter wanted to convey in the piece of art. Deducing Max Ernst’s â€Å"Oedipus Rex† painting and considering the transition of the changes from well-established principles of art to surrealism, I would say that this art attempted to veer away from realism, which is a principle which seeks to represent a subject matter truthfully. I would say so because though at first glance one would be able to immediately see suffering as a main subject in â€Å"Oedipus Rex†, one would start to see the irony of the scene when one looks closely on the details such as the pierced hand and fingers without any blood gushing out of it which is unrealistic. Aside from that, I strongly believe that Max Ernst tried to veer away from the confines of past artistic views of symbolism because he used strange symbols in his painting such as the walnut, birds in a box , bird with a horn, and a window which does not comprise of unified whole meaning. Also, Ernst’s bizarre painting resisted standards of rationality in such a way as the elements used in the painting could mean so many things because of its complexity. However, basing it in the predicament Oedipus was going through, the Sphinx actually refers to Oedipus himself giving the painting much depth as compared to works of art that embraces realism. On the other hand, the walnut refers to Hamlet’s statement, â€Å"O God, I could be bounded in a nut-shell, and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams" (Hamlet, II.2.247). The bird refers to Ernst pet cockatoo when he was a child which happened to die the same night his sister was born (Kuspit, D.). With all the complex symbolism Ernst used, one would only need to dig deeper into the elements of the painting in order to understand what he is trying to say. After studying Max Ernst’s â€Å" Oedipus Rex†, I would say that there is a huge change in his art as compared to the art in the 18th and 19th century wherein there are certain forms and styles being followed as opposed to the free flow of ideas and emotions being depicted in in â€Å"Oedipus Rex†. Though it is harder to understand, I would simply say that aside from it requiring a different kind of intellectual

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Domestic violence outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Domestic violence outline - Essay Example Domestic Violence (Outline) Table of contents Thesis statement Introduction and Background Statement of the problem Background and purpose Importance of the research Literature review Articles 1-5 Articles 6-11 Books 12-16 Methodology Study dynamic Study Limitations Power control theory Victimization Marginalization Theory description Examination of Data and Research Findings Ability to Explain Female Crime Causes of Domestic Violence So far, researchers have not been able to come up with one theory to explain why domestic violence takes place. However, there are various reasons that have been brought forward explaining why people especially women suffer in their spouses’ hands and fail to reiterate or extricate themselves from such relationships Brief description Economic factor Physiological factor Drug and alcohol abuse Social learning Consequences of Domestic Violence Gender violence as earlier stated has various consequences both to the victim and the criminal. Some of the consequences include: Premature death Unwanted pregnancies from forced sexual encounters. Permanent disabilities as a result of injuries sustained. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDs, both to the victim and the criminal. Health and behavior problems in children who grow up in such relationships. Miscarriage in pregnant women. Breakage of marriages especially after a violent partner is imprisoned for the crime or else when a partner decides to extricate herself from violent relationship. Denial of fundamental human rights such as the freedom of speech, association and right to own property. Combating Domestic Violence In order to control this vice, joint efforts between the government, individuals, religious institutions and the society at large are essential. This section will discuss the roles of these entities in promoting respect among couples to ensure that the dilemma is washed out of the society. For example; The Government Religious organizations Individuals Society Socio-Economic Costs of Domestic Violence Correction and preventive costs Effects on labor as a result of consequences involved such as imprisonment, disability etc. Impact on social relations and quality of life Non-monetary costs Conclusions and Policy Implications References

Monday, November 18, 2019

Undergraduate Essay on Teaching and Education Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Undergraduate on Teaching and Education - Essay Example Utilizing brief video clips of both children and adults to support its premise. This report e will outline and discusses relevant aspects of observation for understanding and introduce the concept of the vindictive as a powerful resource for revisiting and analysing documented observations. It will analyse and critically evaluate the multi-faceted role of the teacher and critically assess the importance of education on the life of a child. This is because teachers affect eternity and they never tell where their influence stop. This paper makes a conclusion that developing a high-quality system of teacher preparation requires the coordination of human and financial resources so that there is equity and quality in the programs offered by institutions within a state. This coordination is particularly critical in preschool education because the workforce is extraordinarily diverse in qualifications, knowledge, and experience, and the workforce is located in a range of settings that have historically been regulated differently. Most states probably have the leadership and much of the expertise needed to develop high-quality programs, but without coordination and support, it is unlikely that states will be able to transform the early childhood workforce in the way that research indicates is necessary. Education is often used to refer solely to formal education. However, it covers a range of experiences, from formal learning to the building of understanding through day to day experiences. Ultimately, all that we experience serves as a form of education.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Modern Sedentary Lifestyle On Overweight And Obesity Physical Education Essay

Modern Sedentary Lifestyle On Overweight And Obesity Physical Education Essay Currently, obesity and overweight is a main global health problem plaguing almost the whole planet. Studies show that in 2005 1.6 billion adults were overweight and 400 million adults were obese. As it is portrayed, obesity and overweight is a problem of the contemporary societies that cannot be confronted. According to a recent study of the World Health Organisation, it is predicted that there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults by 2015 in the world and more than 700 million of them will be obese. Also it is important to realise that obesity and overweigh are modern problems of the societies since statistics referring to these problems did not exist 60 years ago. Therefore, it is clear that obesity and overweight apart from genetic predisposition and psychological disorders might derive as well from the modern sedentary lifestyle that is highly affected by the recent technological development and from poor nutrition as there is an increase in convenience food. However in order to understand the extent and significance of the problem it is important to define and analyse overweight and obesity. Obesity can be defined as a medical condition in which body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has a negative effect on health. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of  fat  for the proper functioning of the  hormonal,  reproductive, and  immune  systems, as  thermal insulation, as  shock absorption  for sensitive areas, and as  energy  for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement and flexibility, can alter the  appearance of the body and cause health problems. Obesity increases the likelihood of  various diseases like heart disease,  type 2 diabetes,  breathing difficulties during sleep (pulmonary diseases), hypertension, certain types of  cancer, and  osteoarthritis. In particular, cancer of the colon as well as prostate in men and cancer in breasts, ovaries and cervix in women have been found to be related to obesity. Furthermore, hypertension has been found to be related CHD and strokes. As a result, obesity has been found to reduce  life expectancy and be one of the leading  preventable causes of death  worldwide. Investigators have estimated that if everybody had the optimal body mass there would be 3 years added to life expectancy, 25 percent less coronary heart disease and 35 percent less congestive heart failure and brain infection. Overweight is generally defined as having more  body fat  than is optimally  healthy, without reaching the body fat value for obesity. The generally accepted view is that being overweight causes similar health problems to obesity, but to a minor degree. It is estimated that the risk of death increases by 20 to 40 percent among overweight people and that being overweight at age 40 reduces life expectancy by three years. Being overweight or obese has been identified also as a cause of  cancer. Psychological well-being is also at risk in the overweight individual due to social  discrimination. However, children under the age of eight are normally not affected. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is strongly related to age. The 16 to 24 years age group (for both men and women) is substantially less at risk of  becoming obese than older age groups. Those aged between 25 and 34 have the second lowest rates of obesity and overweight. Middle aged people are those who are in the most risky position of becoming obese or overweight. In order to further understand obesity and overweight it is important to analyse the methods used in order to classify and tell the degree to which a person is overweight or obese. The most popular method used is that of  the Body Mass index  (BMI), or  Quetelet index. The Body Mass index is a statistical measure of body weight based on a persons weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the  percentage of body fat, it is used to estimate a healthy  body weight  based on a persons height. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, it is the most popular diagnostic tool to identify weight problems within a population, usually to classify adult underweight, overweight and obesity. Body Mass Index is found by dividing the body mass in kilograms by the square of height in meters. This technique can also act as a health since it appears to provide relative results concerning the degree of risk associated with overweight or obesity. Mortality and morbidity start increase at high rates at a BMI of more than 25. Therefore the desired levels of BMI are those below 25. Below there is a table of the BMI classification according to the World Health Organisation confirming what was previously stated. Classification BMI(kg/m2) Underweight

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

George Bernard Shaws Pygmalion Essay examples -- George Shaw Pygmalio

George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion G.B Shaw believed that people should not be limited by their birth, environment or speech. With reference to Act 1 & Act five of Pygmalion, show how Eliza finds her status affected by all of these factors. At the time George Bernard Shaw wrote Pygmalion in 1912, many people were troubled with accents that prevented them from reaching high & in act 1, Eliza's character is an example of this. In act 1, we see how Eliza was very limited by her environment, her job, & her speech by the way that she was treated differently for who she was. The society at the time Pygmalion was written was very set & if you were born into a lower class family, you were not seen as anything better than that. Eliza was a lower class flower girl whose speech was not Standard English & difficult to understand. She came from the slum streets of London & was as clean as she could afford to be but to the upper class people she was 'worthless' & 'dirty'. Higgins was an upper class man who studied phonetics. He was written as someone who believed in the class system & that he should not associate with the likes of 'Eliza' who was 'just a flower girl' & a 'disgrace to the English language'. The play does reflect the society at the time & Shaw incorporated the way people treated other people into the play quite effectively. The Aynsford-Hills were a middle class family but whose status was slowly sliding down. In act 1, 'the daughter' has Higgins's view of lower class people & doesn't treat Eliza nicely just because she is a flower girl. Shaw wanted to include his thoughts on society, language & drama into Pygmalion. He thought society was unfair & that 'no one should be limited by his or h... ...closed on her, & she could never go back to who she was originally no matter how much she wanted to because she is seen as upper class so to be back selling flowers on the street would not be in her character anymore. I think she feels she is better off because she has a lot of knowledge from Higgins, more independence & the upper class status. At the end, just because of the way she spoke & the clothes she wore, she was automatically seen as upper class. She was not born into a wealthy family. She started off as a common flower girl & ended up as an upper class duchess but technically all that happened to her was that she was taught how to be a lady. So this proves that throughout the play Eliza's status was affected by her birth, environment & speech in a way that it completely changed the way she was judged by other people in the space of six months.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Girl with a Pearl Earring

One of Johannes Vermeer’s mysterious artworks which are universally recognized is the Girl with a Pearl Earring. This piece of artwork still poses a few unanswered questions and wonders after more than a century of studies. The identity of the sitter in the portrait, who is she? What significance did the pearl earring have? When was the exact date of the painting? Vermeer was born and raised in the Dutch town, Delft and began his genre paintings in the late 1650s. Although Vermeer produced only 36 paintings in his lifetime, he had a different approach to his artworks. Dutch paintings were very popular as it captures the everyday experiences and the affection of the land and homes in the town. Paintings celebrate and record the facts of life enhancing the intense consideration of warmth and cooler qualities of light. Vermeer adapted the expressive scenes taking on a timeless presence to impart them as extraordinary dignity and moral gravity. Girl with a Pearl Earring has been called as The Dutch Mona Lisa during the Golden Age. She is young, delicate and has an appealing and questioning look on her face with her head slightly turned towards us. She is wearing a rich golden robe with a white collar, a blue turban with yellow falling behind her. She is set against a dark defined background which dominates the space of the scene. Vermeer discovered the skill behind optics and light to capture what the audience sees. The uneven and spotted dark background enhance the three-dimensional effect of the figure as light illuminates something delicate which takes us to the pearl earring as a focal point. Pearls in the17th Century was a status symbol and conveys a sense of purity and innocence which together make a representation of a timeless beauty. Over many centuries, the young girl with sympathetic eyes starring over her shoulder holds no attributes that identify her and her age Vermeer is known for painting religious and mythological themes and the evident interest of the female presence and activity. This encourages the audience to understand Vermeer’s challenge to explore the intimate aspects of female nature as well as their relation to social context. It is the lack of historic and iconographic framework that conveys such immediacy to all who view her. Identities of the sitter’s in most of Vermeer’s paintings have ever been recognized, including the girl in Girl with a Pearl Earring. It has believed she may have been Vermeer’s first daughter; Maria aged about 12 or 13 between 1665 and1667. The painting was not seen as a portrait but a tronie, and considers the model in Vermeer’s Art of Painting. Contemporary scholars do not agree with the subject as they believe the painting is an idealized study and reveals Vermeer’s classical tendencies. Even though his artworks seem so realistic, modification to scale and shape have been made to achieve balance in the composition and strength. The mixtures of colours used by Vermeer suggest the intensity of light and tonal values. His paint build-up through brushwork creates uneven and granular effects and captures the attention of the audience. There are studies which explore the number of aspects of Vermeer’s painting techniques and materials although it is difficult to describe as his methods is complicated by the artist experimenting different techniques throughout his career. It has been detected that the use of chalk, charcoal, tempera and oil paints in various tones were used with the initial drawing of the figure. One of the most important stages in his procedure is the underpainting after the initial drawing was complete to ensure the accuracy of lights and darks, composition, volume and substances to the form to create an effect illumination. Colours used in underpainting include warm browns, black and white. The next stage was to give correct colouring and fix the final contours of the forms. This procedure is called working-up. Each area of the painting corresponded to a distinct visual experience to render the illusionistic visual experience as convincing as possible. As you can see, the girl’s face was illuminated with the work-up procedure with two layers of thin flesh tone using a badger. As artist had very few colours in the days, glazing was used to create the vibrant colours. For example, blue and red were glazed over each other to create purple. There were two areas in which Vermeer used glazing. The blue part of the turban with ultramarine blue and white and then a thin transparent layer of ultramarine once the first layer was dry to add depth and chromatic power to the underlying opaque blue. While Vermeer’s painting techniques was never a fixed technique, his artworks show that his use of methods and materials were those used by contemporaries. His work shows a sense of realistic impression, sensuous quality and mystery. This enables the audiences to understand the sophisticated perspective and his used of innovative ways to create a sense of space and awareness of its psychological impact.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Korea Auto Insurance Company Essay Example

Korea Auto Insurance Company Essay Example Korea Auto Insurance Company Essay Korea Auto Insurance Company Essay Headquaters Overhead Cost Allocation at Korea Auto Insurance Co. Inc. Korea Auto Insurance Co. Inc. For periods 2007 thru 2008 Question 1 Net Income, revenue, direct, and indirect costs using current method / Net Income, revenue, direct, and indirect costs using cost drivers. Question 2 Do you agree Kims performance in 2008 would now be evaluated more properly? Question 3 Which cost drivers make the biggest differences between net incomes? Do these cost drives have anything to do with Kims efforts in 2008? The largest difference when comparing the current allocation method and the activity-based costing method is the Operations Support. The new method takes into account the affect in the reduction of employees that Kim instituted. In this case sales training and employee based activity | |costs have been reduced at the Tajeon Branch in direct relation to the number of employees rather than the revenue generated. This way the branch| |is not penalized for the efficiency of less employees. Question 4 The ABC method matches specific reasonable cost drivers with corresponding overhead costs. Discuss why the ABC method would reward a manager with higher motivation in a competitive market. Also, discuss the shortcomings of the ABC method at the level of the entire organization. The ABC method would reward a manager with higher motivation in a competitive market because the way the ABC method is constructed where it can properly estimate the costs that are associated with products and services provided by the company. In Kim’s case the ABC method can identify the resources and support that the Taejon branch uses; and then in turn the Taejon branch can provide a justifiable reasoning on why the allocation of the overhead costs is not properly correlated to the use of the resources that the headquarters assigns to the Taejon branch. Kim is cost conscious and motivated to improve the company. In his tenure at the Taejon branch Kim implemented a two-fold cost reduction method in the cost of handling traffic accident cases, which, is the company’s largest proportion of the total overhead cost. First Kim used public relations and campaigns throughout the year to prevent customers from being involved in accidents. Second Kim also tried minimizing the number of high-risk drivers that his branch handles through de-marketing. All of Kim’s efforts lowered the number of accidents in the Taejon branch from 54 cases to 31 cases in one year. This is a reduction from Taejon’s customers being responsible for 11% of the accident cases in 2007, to less than 6% of the accident cases in 2008; where the overall accident cases for the company as a whole rose in 2008. Kim was also able to add value to the company. Kim was able to reorganize and analyze the Taejon branch, and as a result he was able to reduce his employee count from 82 down to 45 a year after taking charge. This reduction in employees directly correlates to the cost of employee training conducted by the IT team, the cost of sales training by the OS team, less payroll cost, less performance evaluation cost, and education of those employees. The shortcomings of the ABC method when applied to the entire organization can show signs of inefficiencies, thus can hinder a large organization such as the Korea Insurance group. The added cost of tracking the data for costs can really hurt a large organization since every activity that brings cost and revenue would have to be accounted for. In a smaller branch such as Kim’s Taejon branch, on a micro scale keeping a book of all transactions is simple because the amounts of transactions are low. At headquarters to apply cost analysis to support can be very complex and require a lot of man power to input data into automated cost programs and can be very time consuming if each cost detail is taken into account. It will also be very difficult to understand what cost goes where.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Jones and Blair Company Essays

Jones and Blair Company Essays Jones and Blair Company Essay Jones and Blair Company Essay Blair Company distributes architectural, original equipment manufacturing (MEMO) paint and paint sundries under its brand name over 50 counties in 4 states of US while operating from its plant and headquarters in Dallas. Changing market and industry trends were posing a threat to many regional companies. JOB competed successfully with other national paint companies banking on its different paint formulation and readily available technology. However survival could be a challenge in future. The case reflects on the decision to be made in 2005 by J BC of where and how to deploy corporate marketing forts among the various architectural paint coatings markets served by the company. Market and Industry Analysis: In 2004 US architectural paint industry estimated 12 billion USED sales. Mature market with 1-2% growth pa. This was straining the survival of regional companies, leading to MAs. Major producers accounted for 60% market share. No. Of paint companies was at a decline of 2-3% pa. A trend towards do-it- yourself painting by household consumers was on an upsurge and contributed 50% sales. 0% architectural paints were sold by private store brands which major stocked market leaders. Specialty paint stores and Hardware Lumberyards contributed 36% 14% respectively. Apron. 50% of business for JOB comes from 1 1 counties of UDF and remaining from 39 non UDF counties. Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action: Increasing the presence in UDF do-it- yourself market by spendi ng USED 350,000 on advertising on TV to increase awareness could be one option as this is a high growth segment. . Hence apart from advertising just in newspaper on floor (retail outlets) promotions will be more effective as the consumer decides the retail outlet to procure the paint first and following that the brand. Employing additional sales representatives to increase aggressive selling was another alternative suggested, but this would increase non capital cost. Reducing the contribution margin will reduce the prices of the paints, will benefit the consumers, however will lead to decrease in net profit. As a result so as to cover up for reduction in contribution volumes will have to be increased which is also not quite possible because the industry is more or less flat (mature stage). Conclusion and recommendations: So as to increase the sales JOB have to focus on both UDF and non UDF market. Since do-it-yourself painting by household nonusers is on an upsurge and they mainly procure their requirements from retail shops, this is an area that needs attention and can be tapped. The UDF market has been contributing significantly in terms of sales volume (50%). More emphasis should be given to the non UDF market as that market is not well penetrated yet. Awareness should created among the do-it-yourself market of the non UDF market by spending USED 350,000 on advertising in newspaper in store (retail outlets) promotions as it first and following that the brand. Price reduction is not a very feasible option as for this sales volume have to be increased significantly.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Bhopal Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Bhopal Disaster - Essay Example (e) The MIC tank was filled beyond capacity, so much that the overflow tank was also full. (f) The malfunctioning blow down value of the MIC tank was malfunctioning because it was in an open position. Consequences of the disaster: As stated earlier, there were 3800 plus deaths and more than 200,000 injured. Apart from the loss of human life, crops, animals and marine life were destroyed. Many of the women developed diseases such as gonorrhoea and pelvic inflammation, excessive menstruation and suppressed lactation. There was a high incidence of still births and among the babies who where born, there was a high rate of babies born with deformities. Many foetuses suffered from respiratory ailments and complications, which also afflicted the mothers. Other symptoms which were produced included impaired audio and visual memory, neuroses and anxiety reactions. Reliability Block Diagram: The reliability of any system is derived in terms of the reliabilities of the individual components of the system. The advantages of using reliability block diagrams are as follows: (a) Integrating the probability of faults occurring into modules (b) Including within each module, the probability of failure, the failure rate, the distribution of time to failure, the steady state and instantaneous availability (c) The ability to organize each module in a structured way, dependent upon the effects of each module’s failure The reliability block diagram can be used to assess probability for failure for the Bhopal disaster as well. The major cause of the failure was the faulty valve which allowed water to pass into the MIC tank. This major fault was only... There were 3800 plus deaths and more than 200,000 injured. Apart from the loss of human life, crops, animals, and marine life were destroyed. Many of the women developed diseases such as gonorrhea and pelvic inflammation, excessive menstruation and suppressed lactation. There was a high incidence of stillbirths and among the babies who were born, there was a high rate of babies born with deformities. Many fetuses suffered from respiratory ailments and complications, which also afflicted the mothers. Other symptoms which were produced included impaired audio and visual memory, neuroses and anxiety reactions. The reliability of any system is derived in terms of the reliabilities of the individual components of the system. The advantages of using reliability block diagrams are as follows: Integrating the probability of faults occurring into modules Including within each module, the probability of failure, the failure rate, the distribution of time to failure, the steady state, and instantaneous availability The ability to organize each module in a structured way, dependent upon the effects of each module’s failure The reliability block diagram can be used to assess the probability of failure for the Bhopal disaster as well. The major cause of the failure was the faulty valve which allowed water to pass into the MIC tank. This major fault was only exacerbated by other related factors, such as switched off air-conditioning, and malfunctioning pressure and temperature gauges, which prevented the fault condition being detected on time.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Global Operation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Operation - Essay Example Moreover, there may be disagreements between the local community and PPQ (Cateora and Graham 19). This is because PPQ will introduce new employees who will be accompanied by their family members in the host foreign country. The host foreign country will experience strain in its communities and social amenities, for example, schools. This is because the communities and social amenities where PPQ is situated will experience an enhancement in number of individuals largely from PPQ. Also, the host foreign country will experience issues associated with the unfamiliar characteristic of the dealings between employees of PPQ and the existing people of the region where PPQ has decided to establish its stores to sell their products. It is imperative that PPQ anticipates any issues that may have a negative impact on the host foreign country and device ways of dealing with them before it starts its process of expansion. Question 2 International organizations frequently go through abundant cultur al issues when they extend their activities into diverse and new territories. When a company expands to new territories, its employees may have difficulties dealing with clients who are from a diverse and different culture. There is the issue of cultural sensitivity which requires the employees of the international company to accommodate the cultural practices of their clients. In addition, workers of international organizations may face difficulties in overcoming language barriers in the new areas of operation (Cateora and Graham 122). These may pose a severe challenge to the ability of workers providing adequate and sufficient services to the customers. Individuals with an identical value system, religion, beliefs, and language share a similar culture. As a result, this is imparted to every individual in the cultural system. Therefore, workers of international organizations, who are not from the same cultural system as the customers, find it difficult to comprehend the customersâ €™ cultural system, hence affecting the process of interaction. Question 3 Diversity has become an extremely essential subject in the international field. Any knowledgeable businessperson or manager should be aware that the universe is decreasing in size due to opportunities and services facilitated by globalization. Inventions, for example, the internet has made diversity an extremely essential subject in the international field because it has made engaging in business activities in different parts of the world less complicated, and trade is making the most of the opportunities caused by being diverse. In addition, diversity has made a number of financial restraints that were in existence in the past to be eradicated as organizations are attempting to engage in business activities all over and across the universe (Cateora and Graham 159). Also, diversity has become a significant subject in the international field because people are moving from their native lands to look for emp loyment opportunities in other areas. This is evident in areas, for example, Europe and North America where there are individuals of mixed ancestries and races. Therefore, diversity has enable individuals preserve their original identity while being part of different geographic regions. Question 4 There are a number of things that may happen if issues relating to diversity and multiculturalism are not paid attention to in a global organization. One, the international